Borgo dell’Arte Association, during its activities, gathered a rich multimedia archive that includes photos, videos and recordings dedicated to roman countryside traditions, with a major focus on the city of Artena.
“Fondo Famiglia Talone”- in this archive are kept handwritten scores of Federico Talone, great musician, composer and band conductor of Artena. Documents of his music, composed in the early 1900, are kept in the museum and they have been recorded by his son, the music author Pasquale Talone.
“Fondo Ezio Bruni”- this section is composed of audio and video recordings of improvisation poetry competitions (Ottava Rima), beginning from early ’70 until nowadays.
In addition, the archive treasures audio/video recordings of several examples of roman folk music, as “Coro Contadino delle Donne di Giulianello”, “Pasquella di Velletri”, “Processione della Madonna delle Grazie”, “Cristi Infiorati di Artena”, etc.
The arrangement and the digital conversion of the archive is still in progress.
Those interested in document consultation can contact us by filling the following form.