Museikè is a multidisciplinary cultural centre which hosts the museum of folk musical instruments and a rich multimedia archive. The musical instruments displayed in the museum come from private collections and they include all organology classifications. The exposition is divided in 5 main areas:
- Archaic Latium: this area contains philological reconstruction of musical instruments used in Ancient Latium
- Roman Countryside: this area contains folk and traditional instruments used in pastoral and rural communities of Roman countryside. Among all stand the collection of Federico Talone, known as “Federicuccio”, and his son Pasquale, both Artena musicians. Instruments from the region of Anien’s valley have been donated by Ettore De Carolis, musician and scholar of Latium folk traditions. Band instruments from “Giulianello Marching Band (Lt)” and music scores from “Artena Marching Band”, both dated back to early ‘900, are displayed in this area. The exposition is concluded by a zone dedicated to the Italian rhyming stanza “Ottava Rima”.
- Going South: this area presents an overview on folk instruments from Southern Italy
- Between East and West: this area contains an exposition of musical instruments from Renaissance and Baroque era.
- Music on the road: This area is dedicated to migrations. The exposition of instruments from all over the world encourage considerations on music contamination and exchange during the course of history. The reconstruction of a typical tavern of Latium countryside completes this area, showing the performing stage of folk musicians and poets.
The Museum is dedicated to the memory of Pasquale Talone, Artena’s musician, and Raffaele Marchetti, scholar of Latium folk traditions and partner in many cultural ventures.